What amazes me about the human mind is it’s ability to roam, to be free. And sometimes you get so fucking lost in being human. In your job, in school, that you’re stuck on the ground breathing stale air.

But somewhere in your head, in all that chaos. There’s an oasis. There’s a place where there’s just nothing. It’s your imaginary land. Think, the one Rick made Beth. Yes that type of thing. I think that’s the beauty of the escape. What’s weird is, you’re not just sent there. Life throws you through a series of pain and sorrow. Sleepless nights drenching your pillow in tears. The nights you felt empty, worthless, unworthy and unloved. And the nights you started to see things the way they are.

Accepting the mess. He doesn’t love you like that, she only has a few months to live, the pain is still there, you still kind of hope they come back you know? But then it hits you. The wave really hits you. The sudden realization that you are actually fine. You’re alright. Shit happens and that’s when you’ll see it.

The oasis. Quiet, blissful, a place of clarity, you see everything for what it is. You look at yourself and think damn I have bad posture. I need to sit properly. Or my head hurts, why the fuck am I clenching again? Then you start to relax, on the outside you see a fat guy sinking into a couch. In my mind, it’s 2030 and I pulled off the FYRE Festival concept. And I’m the biggest name in African entertainment. And that’s what keeps me going.

So don’t tell me to put my blunt down.

I need my head in the clouds to breathe.

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